Real Genius Life with Karen Kirchman
Real Genius Life Podcast
EP012 Tenderness of Compassion, Healing as Reconnection & Celebrating in Community w/Whitney Miller

EP012 Tenderness of Compassion, Healing as Reconnection & Celebrating in Community w/Whitney Miller

I’m so grateful to share this moment of expression with today’s guest, Whitney Miller. Whitney is a transformational health and running coach and the founder and owner of Transcend Health and Wellness. In addition to being a wonderful coach, she is in a brilliant moment of blooming in her business and life; and we get the opportunity to be both witness and supporter. In today’s episode, we dive into her journey; owning where, when and why we’ve become complacent over pursuing our own thriving; the tenderness and necessity of compassion; the heart of reconnecting to ourselves and healing; how wellness is a community sport; and the power of celebrating together. She also shares about a special launch party happening next weekend (10/27). The event will be fantastic and includes a special celebrity raffle with proceeds to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Whitney helps women and men transform into their best bodies and selves, so they can look and feel fabulous. Through her life journey, she has been committed to her health and wellness and strives to share that passion with others. Through health coaching she has learned that you CAN have the body, health, and life you want! It is her vision to coach her clients how to uncover what’s been stopping them, slowing them down, and keeping them from having the body and life they want so they can transcend to their best self! For more information, go to

Real Genius Life with Karen Kirchman
Real Genius Life Podcast
Intuitive & Integrative Healing with Karen Kirchman
This is a safe space for being fully human and exploring profoundly vulnerable moments of healing, truth-telling, and wild growth.