Real Genius Life with Karen Kirchman
Real Genius Life Podcast
EP013 Being of the Earth, Healing Disconnection, & Honoring our Shadows & Cycles with Alyson Morgan

EP013 Being of the Earth, Healing Disconnection, & Honoring our Shadows & Cycles with Alyson Morgan

I am lit up from the inside-out with deepest joy and heartfelt appreciation to share today’s interview. My guest today is one of my favorite mutual admiration society members: Alyson Morgan. Her expression in the world is nothing short of soulful magic, and I get to invite you into that space as we discuss all things sustainability; coming to understand our depth of relationship with the earth and our food; how small decisions lead to greater awareness; the ways that our conscious choices reconnect us to our roots; healing the hole of disconnection; the potency of the moon to invite us back into ourselves; the capacity of herbs and plant allies; and the necessity of honoring our shadows and cycles. Yeah… it’s all the things. Alyson is a (self-proclaimed) work in progress. An ecofeminist, mother, wild woman, herbalist in training, yogi, moon lover, homesteader, finding healing through connecting to the earth, it’s cycles + creating sacred spaces. She’s interested in spiritual alchemy, transforming deep pain into healing, for the self and the collective. She created the ecocollective + blog Maia Terra as a safe space for connection + honest dialogue around climate change. She believes as stewards of the earth, we can build resilience + adapt to climate change through intentional living. When we connect to our inner knowing, to the plants and our ancestors we can access ways to live more sustainably. For more information, go to

Real Genius Life with Karen Kirchman
Real Genius Life Podcast
Intuitive & Integrative Healing with Karen Kirchman
This is a safe space for being fully human and exploring profoundly vulnerable moments of healing, truth-telling, and wild growth.